
Thursday 27 December 2018

SLJ-week4 day8

Antarctica is one of the coldiest lands also it dos’nt rain at all but many animals live their and people also live their as well it has’nt raind over 2 milion years.

This year air new zeland filmed there safty video in  Antarctica about footprint becasuse we need to be safe and smart online we need to think of what type of information to put on the intrnet


  1. Kia ora Jodacei,

    It is so great to see that you are posting activities for the Summer Learning Journey programme this year. It looks as though you have found our activity about Antarctica. It looks like a pretty cold and barren place, doesn't it? Would you like to go and visit Antarctica sometime? It would be a 'once in a lifetime' kind of trip, I reckon.

    If you get the chance, I would love to hear from you and to know what you think about visiting Antarctica. I'd also love it if you could tell us what you can do to be a smart digital citizen. Have you talked about being cybersmart at school? If so, what are some things that you can do over to protect yourself online? To earn full points for this activity, we are looking for you to list 3-5 things that you can do to by cybersmart.

    I hope that you'll have time to write back soon!

    In the meantime, have a lovely week.

    Rachel :)

  2. Hi Rachal yes I would like to visit Antactica one day and yes its once in a lifetime visit.
    How to be Cybersmart

    !Mrs Grant taught me how to use my hacks
    2.Turn my chromebook off when im not useing it
    3 I know how to put my files in my folders and keep it clean and tidy.and unfinished work i put it in draft to finish later.

    have a great week.

    1. Kia ora Jodacei,

      Thanks so much for writing back. I really hope that you get the chance to visit Antarctica one day and that you take lots of pictures while you're there! I would love to see what it looks like now.

      It's great to read that Mrs Grant has come in and taught you some cybersmart lessons. She know so much about being a smart digital citizen, doesn't she? I actually asked her to come in and talk to our Summer learning Journey team about being cybersmart and she is going to give us a special lesson on 9 January 2019 (when our staff come back to work after their Christmas holidays).

      I hope that you continue to have a great week!

      Talk to you soon,
      Rachel :)
