
Sunday, 30 December 2018

SLJ -week1 day 3

When you water it every  day at 3 millimetre
Over a year the corrcect mls in the year is 1095  millimetre  

I used different  strategy to solve the prbblem. Like thinking of objects and house appliance as water cooler ,bath tub,pool,and final answer was outdoor pool which is 1095 millimetre

Saturday, 29 December 2018

SLJ-week2 day 8 activity2

The three teams that have ferns in their title are ruby team,netball team and cricket team. The uniforms are 

I like the yellow because yellow is my favourite colour and another thing why I like yellow is because I like  banana and banana is my favourite fruit.

Friday, 28 December 2018

SLJ-week1 day 2 activity 1

I want to go to  Tāne Mahuta so I can learn more about plantes and trees also how they grow and to learn about other parts on the plantes and trees and I want to experience about them also how the kauri tree gets it’s nutrients from.

People like to see the kauri every year because it is very tall the thing I liked about the kauri tree is how tall it is and how giant it is.  
Image result for Kauri tree

Thursday, 27 December 2018

SLJ-week4 day8

Antarctica is one of the coldiest lands also it dos’nt rain at all but many animals live their and people also live their as well it has’nt raind over 2 milion years.

This year air new zeland filmed there safty video in  Antarctica about footprint becasuse we need to be safe and smart online we need to think of what type of information to put on the intrnet

Tuesday, 25 December 2018

SLJ-week 1 day 7 activity1

When Maui’s grandmother gave Maui the hook he went to build him a boat and he rode  on his boat out to the ocean.He threw his magical hook into sea and caught a gaint fish.

The north island of New Zealand is a
Amazing place to throw your hook 
Down into sea   where you will find all types of fish and different colours .

When Maui sailed out to sea he thoght that he was going to caught a small fish then he put the magical hook into the water. Then he got a very big fish so he seat back to land with the fish and the magical hook.

Monday, 17 December 2018

My Writing

On the weekend my family and I went for a walk on the beach. We walked on the sand and near the water we picked up some shells.

Next we went to get some ice creams then we walked back to the car. On the way we saw a friend. My mum and dad said I could go for a swim. After ten minutes of swimming, I cut my hand and it was bleeding a lot but I did not care, so I went home with a bleeding hand.

I did not enjoy my time at the beach because of the rock. My dad put a plaster on it but the blood just went through the plaster and the plaster was all red. 

Thursday, 13 December 2018

my cool writing

On the weekend, my family and I went to the dog park to take our dogs for a play. 
We went for a walk a long the path and they ran on the grass. Then they ran somewhere else.

Next five minutes down the path, there was a muddy  hole and my dog Molly went into it and got very muddy. Then we went back to the park but I didn’t go back to the park. I threw rocks into the creek then we had to go because my dogs were dirty and we had no water to wash them. 

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

thank you letter

Dear mum and dad,
I thank you mum and dad for looking after me and keeping me safe.
I thank you for feeding me food  and buying me clothes.
I thank you for bringing me to school safely.
I thank you for helping me with my homework or when I am stuck with a question.
I thank you for hleping me when I am sick. 
I love you,

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Best grandad ever

Having KFC with my grandad is cool.
Grandad gives us whatever little money he has for our lunch.
He even gives some money to my mum and dad for eating.
He even feeds my dog.
Best grandad ever.   Having KFC with my grandad is cool.
Grandad gives us whatever little money he has for our lunch.
He even gives some money to my mum and dad for eating.
He even feeds my dog.
Best grandad ever

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

The fun school holidays

 Can you guess what I and my family did during the school holidays?

We made slime. First we went to the shops to buy the ingredients. We did buy all the ingredients but had forgotton to by the glue. We had to go back again. 

Then we went home and played on our phones for a little while. After that we went to the kichen and started making slime. 
My mum got mad because my baby made a  mess on the ground. Mum made us  clean up the mess.

I have decided never to make slime again becase I do
 not want my mum to get mad. 

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

We had a great day at the pools.

On Sunday me and my family went to the pools. First we changed in to our swim gear then we went to the pool. We only had 2 hours to swim because they were going to close.

Next we went to the big pool for a few minutes. We got out and went to the shower. We were playing with soap and me and my brother were having races putting our clothes on then we went to the car and went home.

We had a great day at the pools.

Image result for swimming pool

Thursday, 20 September 2018

My bird wirting

One day one bird sat on the power line then another bird came and sat next to him the other bird was scwoshed then he got mad. Then a few other birds came over and they and they all startied fighting all of asudent they stoped and looked over down the distonts was a big bird then they tesed it he came over.

Next the big bird came and sat on the power line then they got mad then then they piked at his feet but he ditnt care so they keeped peking until the big bird was almos toching the grownd

After he let then all of the birds were naked then he lahut at them all the first bird that landed the big bird gave him a red lef then they all hid behind the big bird.   

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

My wonderful bee writing

When I woke up in the morning my parents were still asleep so I decided to go hunting for yummy and delicious honey.

Next I decided to land on a beautiful, shiny, yellow flower. Once I sucked all the honey, I decided to head back to the beehive. I went to store my honey into the honey combs.

Then we all set out to collect honey as a family. Then it was time to head back to the beehive. When we were on our way to collect the last scoop, a storm came.

We had to land because the storm was too heavy. The next morning we were all wet and our honey was finished but it was ok becase we had losts of honey stored in the beehive.

Image result for bees

Friday, 3 August 2018


What I want to be when I am older:

I want to be a banker when I am older because I like their clothes, like to hold the money and also like to give the money to other people who come in.

I would like the bank because they get paid a good amount of money. Another thing why I like the bank is because they can buy cool cars and a nice house for themselves.

I would like to be a banker because I want to make my parents proud of me. 

I want to be a banker when I am older because I like their clothes, like to hold the money  also like to give the money to other people who come to take.

I would like the bank because they get paid good amount of money. Another thing why I like the bank is because they can buy cool cars and a nice house for themselves.

I would like to be a banker because I want to make my parents proud of me.  

Being a good friend.

A good friend is being encouraging and also being supportive to others. A good friend will always help when their friends are hurt or scared. They tell an adult if someone is in trouble. Friends play with someone if they have no friends and don’t use put downs to others.

They make sure to let others join with them in the game. Good friends will always forgive others when they do something wrong. They listen carefully during class time. They help each other when they need help and take turns in doing things.


Friday, 27 July 2018


In the holidays it was my baby’s brother’s birthday and he turned four. We went to gravity. 

When we got to gravity we had to put on gravity socks that has rubber under and that rubber is to keep grip so that we don’t fall.

We did front flips, back flips and all sort of things. After we did all sorts of tricks, we had cake.

Soon after eating the cake there were people calling bans out red-ban, blue-b,green-b to leave.

Then it was our turn to go. After we left we went to get KFC for lunch then we took the KFC to the beach and we enjoyed it.

Lastly we went for a bike ride. We put our bikes in the car also we put snacks in our lunch bag. It took us 5 minutes to get there then we arrived.

When we got there, we got all of our stuff. We started to ride. We rode in muddy and gooey dirt, then went back.

It took us 10minutes to get back, then it was time to go home. I enjoyed my day.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

My interesting poem

I see rain drops falling

I hear kids splashing in big puddles outside

I smell burning firewood on the fire

I feel warm and cosy in my bed

I taste yummy warm soup in my mouth

Image result for snowy  christmas trees

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Malo e lelei my name is Jodacei

Malo e lelei my name is Jodacei and I am a year 5 student at Glenbrae School. Welcome to my blog.  My goals this year is to improve my maths level and my reading level.
My favorite movie is Spongebob, rampage  and my favourite sport is rugby.

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Information Report


Image result for saturn

Saturn is 4.503 million years old, is the 6th planet from the sun and is a giant gas planet. It is not solid like Earth. Saturn is the only planet that has rings arond it in our solar system.

Saturn takes 29 years to orbit the sun and travels at the speed of 21,637 per hour or 34,821 kilometers in it’s orbit around the sun.

Saturn is named after the God of agriculture. Saturn can also float on water and when it’s in space it is very light. Saturn rises at 10:32pm. Saturn is made of dust, rock and ice

Saturn is made out of light gases 764 Earths can fit in saturn. Saturn is the coldest planet. The is temperature is -168 degrees celcius.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Finacial Litercy

This week we had Chris, Lindsey, Sasha and
Jasmine from PwC come to Room 9 to teach us
about money.

Thank you PwC for this week.
We had a good week with you and now we know
all about saving money, how to be trustworthy,
identity theft and how to minimising risk. The best thing out
of this week was the fun quiz. I had lots of fun and learnt
lots of new things.

Image result for money#

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Monday, 5 March 2018

Colourful leaves crunch

Autumn is when the leaves fall
Underneath  the tall trees  children play
The kids play on the crunchy leaves
Under the floor colourful leaves crunch
March is when Autumn begins and the red, brown, yellow leaves start to fall
Next leaf to full may be the last beautiful leaf

Friday, 16 February 2018

Beachcomber Motel

In the holidays I went to Orewa, we stayed at a hotel for two nights. The next day we went to White Werder. When we all got there the first thing we went to was the hydra slide.    

The second thing we went to was the baby pool but it was deep at the bottom somebody has to wait at the end. Then we went to the spa but my Dad didn't want to go swim in it. The next thing was the very cold pool was 5- feet deep. My Dad liked it.  

After awhile he wanted to go to the adult pool. I wanted with him but he said no because it was too deep! We went to the 2- feet pool. We swam in it for a few minutes, then he came back.

It was time to go we had to go back to our real home. I had such a good day. Our Nana was glad to see us all we were together again.